Step 1
Template file:
A template file is applied to your message header, subject, and body text. You may copy the htmlmail.tpl.php file to your default theme directory and use it to customize your messages.
Add debugging info (Set $debug to TRUE).
Step 2

Choose the theme that will hold your customized templates from Step 1 above.

If you install and enable the Echo module, the theme you select will also be used to style your messages as if they were pages on your website.

If you install the Mail MIME module, images in your emails will be automatically converted to inline attachments, and a plain-text alternative will be made available. This prevents your recipients from seeing broken image links and scary security warnings when they don't have the sender's address in their email addressbook. Mail MIME also allows HTML Mail to handle MIME-formatted messages sent by other modules such as Send by-email.

Step 3
This may increase the quality of your outgoing emails for the spam filters. If you need image handling and more sophisticated plain text version, check Mail MIME.

You may choose a text format to be used for filtering email messages after theming. This allows you to use any combination of over 200 filter modules to make final changes to your message before sending.

Here is a recommended configuration:

  • Emogrifier
    Converts stylesheets to inline style rules for consistent display on mobile devices and webmail.
  • Transliteration
    Converts non-ASCII text to US-ASCII equivalents. This helps prevent Microsoft smart-quotes from appearing as question-marks in Mozilla Thunderbird.
  • Pathologic
    Converts relative URLS to absolute URLS so that clickable links in your message will work as intended.