Field collection field_about_us_story_items_

LabelWeightParentMachine nameField typeWidgetOperations
No fields are present yet.
Section Title
field_about_us_titleTextText fieldeditdelete
Banner Image
Section Summary
field_about_us_descriptionLong text and summaryText area with a summaryeditdelete
Section Description
field_about_us_contentLong text and summaryText area with a summaryeditdelete
About us Layout
field_about_us_colorList (text)Select listeditdelete
languageLanguage selection
field_idList (text)Select listeditdelete
Add new field
A unique machine-readable name containing letters, numbers, and underscores.
Type of data to store.
Form element to edit the data.
Add existing field
Field to share
Form element to edit the data.
Add new group
Group name (a-z, 0-9, _)

Vertical Tabs


Fields can be dragged into groups with unlimited nesting. Each fieldgroup format comes with a configuration form, specific for that format type.
Note that some formats come in pair. These types have a html wrapper to nest its fieldgroup children. E.g. Place accordion items into the accordion, vertical tabs in vertical tab group and horizontal tabs in the horizontal tab group. There is one exception to this rule, you can use a vertical tab without a wrapper when the additional settings tabs are available. E.g. node forms.

Clone fieldgroups from selected view mode to the current display