Cache Expiration

Vertical Tabs

Module status
Common settings
  • Disabled: Module will not expire any data.
  • Internal expiration: Use this option when you did not install additional contribs that implement hook_expire_cache(). Module will execute cache_clear_all() for expired URLs.
  • External expiration: Use this option if you installed contrib (like Varnish, Boost, Purge, Acquia Purge) that implements this hook. Module will invoke hook_expire_cache() for expired URLs.
  • boost
  • boost_crawler
You have contribs that implement hook_expire_cache(). This means that most likely you want to use External expiration to expire cached data.
Include the base URL in expire requests. Compatible with Domain Access.
Enabling this setting when Varnish or Acquia Purge modules are used as a cache backend is not recommended.
If you use internal expiration, this checkbox should be selected.
Node expiration
Node settings per type
Please note that you may override this settings for each node type on the node type configuration page.
Node actions
Page cache for node will be flushed after selected actions.
What URLs should be expired when node action is triggered?
Expire url of the site front page
Expire url of the expiring node.
Expire urls of terms that are selected in the expiring node.
Expire urls of entities which are referenced from the expiring node.
Expire urls of entities which are referenced from field collections attached to the expiring node.
Expire user-defined custom urls.
Enter one relative URL per line. It can be the path of a node (e.g. node/[node:nid]) or of any alias (e.g. my/path). However, it has to be the final URL, not a redirect (use the Global Redirect and Redirect modules).
If you want to match a path with any ending, add "|wildcard" to the end of the line (see function cache_clear_all for details). Example: my/path|wildcard will match my/path, but also my/path/one, my/path/two, etc.
You may use tokens here. View available tokens.
Comment expiration
Comment settings per node type
Please note that you may override this settings for each node type on the node type configuration page.
Comment actions
Page cache for comment will be flushed after selected actions.
What URLs should be expired when comment action is triggered?
Expire url of the site front page
Expire url of the expiring comment.
Expire urls of entities which are referenced from the expiring comment.
Expire url of the node, to which expiring comment is related.
Expire urls of terms that are selected in the node, to which expiring comment is related.
Expire urls of entities which are referenced from node, to which expiring comment is related.
Expire urls of entities which are referenced from field collections attached to the expiring comment's node.
Expire user-defined custom urls.
Enter one relative URL per line, e.g. comment/[comment:cid].
If you want to match a path with any ending, add "|wildcard" to the end of the line (see function cache_clear_all for details). Example: comment/1 will match comment/1, but also comment/12, comment/123, etc.
You may use tokens here. View available tokens.
User expiration
User actions
What URLs should be expired when user action is triggered?
Expire url of the site front page
Expire url of the expiring user profile.
Expire urls of terms that are selected in the expiring user profile.
Expire urls of entities which are referenced from the expiring user profile.
Expire urls of entities which are referenced from field collections attached to the expiring user.
Expire user-defined custom urls.
Enter one relative URL per line. It can be the path of a node (e.g. user/[user:uid]) or of any alias (e.g. my/path). However, it has to be the final URL, not a redirect (use the Global Redirect and Redirect modules).
If you want to match a path with any ending, add "|wildcard" to the end of the line (see function cache_clear_all for details). Example: my/path|wildcard will match my/path, but also my/path/one, my/path/two, etc.
You may use tokens here. View available tokens.
File expiration
File actions
Page cache for file will be flushed after selected actions.
What URLs should be expired when file action is triggered?
Expire url of the site front page
Expire url of the expiring file.
Expire user-defined custom urls.
Enter one relative URL per line, e.g. file/[file:fid].
If you want to match a path with any ending, add "|wildcard" to the end of the line (see function cache_clear_all for details). Example: file/1 will match file/1, but also file/12, file/123, etc.
You may use tokens here. View available tokens.