the infobubble documentation for examples.
shadowStyle - Options: 0 (no shadow), 1 (default shadow), 2 (sharp shadow)
padding - Like the css property, the padding of the bubble.
borderRadius - Like the css property, the radius of the bubble's corners.
borderWidth - Like the css property, the width in pixels of the border.
borderColor - Like the css property, the hex or rgb color of the border.
backgroundColor - This is the background of the content of the bubble, but NOT the entire bubble itself.
bubbleBackgroundClassName - A css class for the entire bubble.
minWidth - Like the css property, the minimum width of the bubble.
maxWidth - Like the css property, the maximum width of the bubble.
minHeight - Like the css property, the maximum height of the bubble.
arrowSize - The width of the pointer arrow. NOTE: if you choose an arrow style that only uses half of the arrow, this number will be twice as wide as your arrow at its widest point.
arrowPosition - The percent from the left of the bubble where the arrow will appear.
arrowStyle - Options: 0 (full triangle), 1 (half triangle leaning left), 2 (half triangle leaning right)
closeImage - The url of the image to use as the close button for the bubble
closeCursor - Like the css property, the style of the cursor as it hovers over your close image. Default is pointer.
closeZIndex - Like the css property, the z-index of the close image. Default is 0.
closeBorder - Like the css property, the border style of the close image. Default is none.
closeHeight - The height of the close image. Default is 12px.
closeWidth - The width of the close image. Default is 12px.
closePosition - Like the css property, the position the close image. Default is absolute.