Webform settings

DatePresents month, day, and year fields.
E-mailA special textfield that accepts e-mail addresses.
FieldsetFieldsets allow you to organize multiple fields into groups.
FileAllow users to upload files of configurable types.
GridAllows creation of grid questions, denoted by radio buttons.
HiddenA field which is not visible to the user, but is recorded with the submission.
MarkupDisplays text as HTML in the form; does not render a field.
NumberA numeric input field (either as textfield or select list).
Page breakOrganize forms into multiple pages.
Select optionsAllows creation of checkboxes, radio buttons, or select menus.
TextareaA large text area that allows for multiple lines of input.
TextfieldBasic textfield type.
TimePresents the user with hour and minute fields. Optional am/pm fields.
Default e-mail values
The default sender address for emailed webform results; often the e-mail address of the maintainer of your forms.
The default sender name which is used along with the default from address.
The default subject line of any e-mailed results.
The default format for new e-mail settings. Webform e-mail options take precedence over the settings for system-wide e-mails configured in MIME mail.
Force all webform e-mails to be sent in the default format.