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Content translation
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Entity Translation
Administer entity translation
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Translate entities of type Field collection item
Translate entities of type Content
Translate entities of type Taxonomy term
Translate entities of type User
Facet API
Administer Facets
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Administer field collections
Administer text formats and filters
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Use the Filtered HTML text format
Use the MailChimp campaign text format
Administer forums
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View library reports
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Mail System
Administer Mail System
administer mailchimp
MailChimp Activity
Access MailChimp activity
Administer MailChimp activity entities
MailChimp Automations
Administer MailChimp automation entities
MailChimp Campaigns
Administer MailChimp campaigns
MailChimp Signup
Administer Mailchimp Signup Entities.
Access all Mailchimp Signup Pages.
Administer menus and menu items
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Mime Mail
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Administer content
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Forum topic: Create new content
Forum topic: Edit own content
Forum topic: Edit any content
Forum topic: Delete own content
Forum topic: Delete any content
Article: Create new content
Article: Edit own content
Article: Edit any content
Article: Delete own content
Article: Delete any content
Career: Create new content
Career: Edit own content
Career: Edit any content
Career: Delete own content
Career: Delete any content
Category: Create new content
Category: Edit own content
Category: Edit any content
Category: Delete own content
Category: Delete any content
Chairmans Message: Create new content
Chairmans Message: Edit own content
Chairmans Message: Edit any content
Chairmans Message: Delete own content
Chairmans Message: Delete any content
Industry: Create new content
Industry: Edit own content
Industry: Edit any content
Industry: Delete own content
Industry: Delete any content
Contact Us: Create new content
Contact Us: Edit own content
Contact Us: Edit any content
Contact Us: Delete own content
Contact Us: Delete any content
CSR: Create new content
CSR: Edit own content
CSR: Edit any content
CSR: Delete own content
CSR: Delete any content
Future Projects: Create new content
Future Projects: Edit own content
Future Projects: Edit any content
Future Projects: Delete own content
Future Projects: Delete any content
Locations: Create new content
Locations: Edit own content
Locations: Edit any content
Locations: Delete own content
Locations: Delete any content
Management Team: Create new content
Management Team: Edit own content
Management Team: Edit any content
Management Team: Delete own content
Management Team: Delete any content
Company: Create new content
Company: Edit own content
Company: Edit any content
Company: Delete own content
Company: Delete any content
News & Media: Create new content
News & Media: Edit own content
News & Media: Edit any content
News & Media: Delete own content
News & Media: Delete any content
About us: Create new content
About us: Edit own content
About us: Edit any content
About us: Delete own content
About us: Delete any content
Basic page: Create new content
Basic page: Edit own content
Basic page: Edit any content
Basic page: Delete own content
Basic page: Delete any content
Simplenews newsletter: Create new content
Simplenews newsletter: Edit own content
Simplenews newsletter: Edit any content
Simplenews newsletter: Delete own content
Simplenews newsletter: Delete any content
Homepage Top Banner: Create new content
Homepage Top Banner: Edit own content
Homepage Top Banner: Edit any content
Homepage Top Banner: Delete own content
Homepage Top Banner: Delete any content
Homepage Industry Slider: Create new content
Homepage Industry Slider: Edit own content
Homepage Industry Slider: Edit any content
Homepage Industry Slider: Delete own content
Homepage Industry Slider: Delete any content
Subscribe: Create new content
Subscribe: Edit own content
Subscribe: Edit any content
Subscribe: Delete own content
Subscribe: Delete any content
Webform: Create new content
Webform: Edit own content
Webform: Edit any content
Webform: Delete own content
Webform: Delete any content
Page manager
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Administer Page Manager
Administer URL aliases
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Administer rule configurations
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Access the Rules debug log
SMTP Authentication Support
Administer SMTP Authentication Support module
Use search
Administer shortcuts
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Administer newsletters
Administer simplenews subscriptions
Administer simplenews settings
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String translation
Translate user-defined strings
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Administer modules
Administer site configuration
Administer themes
Administer software updates
Administer actions
Use the administration pages and help
Use the site in maintenance mode
View the administration theme
View site reports
Block IP addresses
Administer vocabularies and terms
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Delete terms from Category Page
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Delete terms from Management team
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Administer permissions
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Administer views
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Content authors: access and edit webform components and settings
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